Please note that not all forms are used by all offices.
Please consult your Appointing Authority to see which forms are used
by your office/department.
Also, if you see a form that should be added,
please notify the
Employee Performance -
performance review form, counseling
and corrective forms, EAP referral form, Order of Removal,
Reduction, Suspension, Voluntary Disability Separation
- listing of payroll deductions, change of address/name forms,
tax forms, timesheets
first and second notice, certification
of health care practitioner
Separation of Employment -
exit interview form, request for
payout, COBRA personnel action report, links to OPERS refund
Safety; OSHA; and Workers Compensation
- accident/injury investigation
report, follow-up/corrective action report, injured worker
Property Insurance & Motor Vehicle
- incident report, certification of
compliance, traffic violation/accident report, mileage
reimbursement form
Inventory and Internet Auction -
form for obsolete and surplus items,
policy for software erasure for computer disposal
Newly Updated Forms
Printable Packet of Required New Hire Forms with updated ACA Form
(Employee Selection)
Change of Address Form (Payroll)
Name Change Form (Payroll)